Picture this: You're cruising through life, minding your own business, when suddenly, bam! You're hit with a medical expense that could rival the GDP of a small country.

Enter health insurance, your trustworthy safety net in the battle against outrageous medical bills. So, what exactly is health insurance, you ask? Let us uncover what Health Insurance is and how it works.

1. Defining Health Insurance

Health insurance is a contract offering financial protection against medical expenses incurred due to illness, injury, or preventive care.

It operates on the principle of risk-sharing, where policyholders pay premiums to insurance providers and receive coverage of medical costs in exchange, spreading the financial risk across a larger pool of individuals, and thereby mitigating the risk of losing lifelong savings to unexpected healthcare expenses.

2. Essential Components of Health Insurance

  1. Deductibles are the money policyholders must give out of pocket before the insurance coverage begins. For example, if your health insurance policy has a deductible of ₹10,000, you must pay this amount before the insurance company starts covering eligible expenses.
  2. Co-payments (Co-pays) are fixed amounts that policyholders pay for specific service. Imagine you want to buy something—a check-up, a prescription, or even a bandage. You don't pay the full price but only chip in a small amount. That small amount is a Co-pay.
  3. Premiums are the recurring payments policyholders make to maintain their health insurance coverage, calculated based on factors like age, occupation, medical history and the insurer's pricing structure.
  4. Coverage Limits: Health insurance plans often come with sub-limits, which cap the maximum amount the insurer will pay for certain medical expenses.
  5. An annual limit or annual maximum defines the maximum one can claim for specific services in a year.
  6. In-Network: Insurance companies negotiate discounted rates with specific healthcare providers, forming a network which lowers out-of-pocket costs for policyholders.
  7. Exclusions: Common exclusions include cosmetic procedures, self-inflicted injuries, and pre-existing conditions. Additionally, services like dental care or vision correction may require separate coverages.

3. Mechanism of Health insurance

  1. Acquiring policy: Start by researching different health insurance plans available to you. Purchase it once you've found the right one. Pay regular premiums to maintain coverage and deductibles to start your coverage.
  2. Choose a Healthcare Provider: When you need medical care, choose a healthcare provider within your insurance network and visit them for the required service. Pay co-pays if applicable.
  3. Submit Claim: After receiving medical services, submit your health insurance claim to your insurance company with all the details and documents necessary.
  4. Claim Processing: The insurance company reviews the claim to determine coverage eligibility and calculates the amount they will pay. Consult a subject matter expert in case of delay in claim process for efficient claim settlements.
  5. Insurance Coverage: Once the claim is processed, the insurance company pays its portion of the covered expenses.
  6. An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) will be sent by your insurance provider explaining the services covered, the amount paid by insurance, and any remaining balance you may be responsible for paying the healthcare provider.


Health is wealth, do not gamble with it. Contact a subject matter expert to guide you through health insurance claims to avoid claim rejections in dire moments.

Remember, informed decisions today pave the way for a healthier and financially secure tomorrow.